ff The Cottage of Blog: December 2006

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The Cottage of Blog

The Cottage of Blog

Another letter from blog, where fresh coffee is on and the blueberry muffins have just come out of the oven.

Update. In the Arms of the Enemy is still scheduled for release in February. The marketing department is scheduling book signings, are sending out flyers, press releases and have sent me spendid bookmarks for hand-outs. I thought I'd laminate them and attach a long pretty ribbon. Should be nice.

I've never been to a book signing. I suppose I should find one in my area and go to observe. I wonder how many people will show up, how many books we'll sell, whether I will get tendonitis etc. Yeah right. Like who's ever heard of Patricia A. Guthrie, romantic suspense author.

I do hope the subject matter might interest some people though. It was inspired by the insurance scams going on several years ago (may still be going on) where unscrupuloius horsemen would arrange for their horses murder and then would collect insurance money.
It was awful. A real scandal here in Illinois. And several prominent horsement over the years have been murdered. Whether as a direct result or indirect result, I can not say. I do think it was rather well organized

In the Arms of the Enemy is about Jonathan Adam Blakely a man who's just lost his father from a heart attack, when his dad was implicated in killing his prize race horse and the horse's trainer. When law enforcement had closed the case, he wants to clear his dad's name and goes undercover following the trail.
Unfortunately, he falls in love with his chief suspect, the feisty and beautiful ex-partner of the trainer, Maggie McGregor. Pushing through a sea of deception and lies, both must learn to trust each other, because, as they discover, they are both on the killer's hit list.

So, there you have it. It's not a long, long book. It was originally written with Harlequin Intrigue in mind. When that didn't work out, and several rewrites later, it was picked up by the new and wonderful Light Sword Publishing Company, a small press out of Michigan. A young company, these people are hungry, aggressive and marketing wizzes.

I'm learning.

Meanwhile, my next book, Water Lilies over my Grave is in its second draft.

I'd dearly love to figure out how to link up my blog to my website. www.patriciaanneguthrie.com

My email address is: Patguth@aol.com or pguthrie@lightswordpublishing.com.

Feel free to contact me. I'd love to hear from you.


Friday, December 01, 2006

The Cottage of Blog

The Cottage of Blog

Quick update:

It's December. In the Arms of the Enemy will be released in February. Finally. What a great feeling to see your baby in print. Somehow a miracle has been created here. I'm still not sure how.

So, now there's the matter of marketing. My publisher, www.lightswordpublishing.com shows their difference than other publishers, by their marketing strategies. They take the process from A-Z. That means marketing materials, flyers, bookmark gifts, business cards, sending out flyers, setting up book signings, not to mention working with book stores and distributors and working with some online sites for publicity. This is quite something. Every company needs something to distinguish them from the rest. This one shows something that is definitely author friendly.

Thank you Linda Daly and Lightswordpublishing.

I've got my first draft done of Water Lilies Over my Grave (retitled from The Heart is a Lonely Hunter) this is single title and a lot longer than Arms of the Enemy. I'm aiming at 100K. In this novel I'm delving into the mind of an obsessed sick mind. A woman travels halfway across the country to get away from her ex-husband, only to discover he's followed her.
Looking for the high concept of the piece we might consider the psycho in sleeping with the enemy is his own psychiatrist. We'll see how we can expand that.

Meanwhile, I have Bruce reading the first draft. the man is a master of the flashing red pen. So far he's used up one for each chapter. And, a get a bonus. He's a man. I get a man's point of view.

Today, as it's really, really dreadful out, I intend to read about obsession and serial killers. Fun, huh?

Did I mention I have a website? So much to get together. I must learn how to be my own webmistress. I'm hoping the website and the blog will be linked soon. I'm hoping my short stories can be posted on there. I'm hoping links to some of my favorite other websites can be posted.

Soon. I say. Soon. Hopefully, before everyone sees my new business cards that I'm so diligently creating.
So far, my favorite free clip art site is on the Microsoft site. I understand Print Shop has tons of clip art. Something to ask for, for Christmas.

Take care, from the Cottage of Blog. Where the coffee is always fresh (when we're open) and the blueberry muffins are straigh out of the oven.

Gotta go do some research.


The Cottage of Blog

The Cottage of Blog

Quick update:

It's December. In the Arms of the Enemy will be released in February. Finally. What a great feeling to see your baby in print. Somehow a miracle has been created here. I'm still not sure how.

So, now there's the matter of marketing. My publisher, www.lightswordpublishing.com shows their difference than other publishers, by their marketing strategies. They take the process from A-Z. That means marketing materials, flyers, bookmark gifts, business cards, sending out flyers, setting up book signings, not to mention working with book stores and distributors and working with some online sites for publicity. This is quite something. Every company needs something to distinguish them from the rest. This one shows something that is definitely author friendly.

Thank you Linda Daly and Lightswordpublishing.

I've got my first draft done of Water Lilies Over my Grave (retitled from The Heart is a Lonely Hunter) this is single title and a lot longer than Arms of the Enemy. I'm aiming at 100K. In this novel I'm delving into the mind of an obsessed sick mind. A woman travels halfway across the country to get away from her ex-husband, only to discover he's followed her.
Looking for the high concept of the piece we might consider the psycho in sleeping with the enemy is his own psychiatrist. We'll see how we can expand that.

Meanwhile, I have Bruce reading the first draft. the man is a master of the flashing red pen. So far he's used up one for each chapter. And, a get a bonus. He's a man. I get a man's point of view.

Today, as it's really, really dreadful out, I intend to read about obsession and serial killers. Fun, huh?

Did I mention I have a website? So much to get together. I must learn how to be my own webmistress. I'm hoping the website and the blog will be linked soon. I'm hoping my short stories can be posted on there. I'm hoping links to some of my favorite other websites can be posted.

Soon. I say. Soon. Hopefully, before everyone sees my new business cards that I'm so diligently creating.
So far, my favorite free clip art site is on the Microsoft site. I understand Print Shop has tons of clip art. Something to ask for, for Christmas.

Take care, from the Cottage of Blog. Where the coffee is always fresh (when we're open) and the blueberry muffins are straigh out of the oven.

Gotta go do some research.
